Welcome to 21st Century Selling Skills

The Analytical Skills Essential to Successful Salesmanship

Proudly offering courses in the following sales skills:



Your Instructor: Robert M. Goss, Jr., M.Ed.Bob Goss is the President, Founder and Principal Instructor for 21st Century Selling Skills. He is a former award-winning Territorial Salesperson in a very competitive industry and Sales Training Manager for numerous large high-tech companies in between teaching stints in public education. As the Sales Training Manager for many innovative and dynamic high-tech companies, including: Data General, Stratus Computer, Proteon Networks, Wright Line, FTP Software, Cabletron, and Digital Networks he trained and motivated hundreds of salespeople to be successful by teaching them how to maximize time and effort with accounts in their territories that have the greatest sales potential for their products. He equipped them with strategic knowledge and analytical skills, based on 50 years of research and development with real successful territorial salespeople from hundreds of companies worldwide. This content is not merely theory, instead it represents real time-tested and proven selling techniques, strategies and skills used by some of the most successful salespeople of Fortune 1000 companies. Research clearly shows that most sales training programs across all industries concentrate on knowledge and people skills but what salespeople and managers have repeatedly identified as their #1 problem is Territorial Development and Management.

Early in his career, as a territorial salesperson in a very competitive industry, Bob received special recognition for the development and management of more than 250 accounts in a territory that covered central Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. He knows what it's like to be a territorial salesperson and uses his own real-world experiences, knowledge and personal anecdotes during the training to make the learning more interesting. During this time, Bob had a fabulous mentor who taught him many valuable lessons about developing and managing a sales territory that enriches his presentations and makes the learning fun.  

Packed with proven sales tools your team can start using immediately, this dynamic one-day seminar has been carefully designed by 'salespeople for salespeople' to achieve the following high-level goals for your Company: 

INCREASE sales revenues and profitability 

REDUCE skyrocketing selling costs by increasing selling effectiveness

MAXIMIZE selling time and effort with accounts in your territory that have the greatest sales potential for your products.

Included in his academic credits, Bob has a Masters' degree in Educational Leadership and Management and uses his strong presentation skills during each workshop to teach salespeople the analytical skills they need for wise time-investment decisions, organization and good planning. This is not a high-pitched pep rally that only delivers a temporary jolt of enthusiasm, but instead, the never-to-be-forgotten lessons and benefits of this dynamic seminar will increase in value as time goes on. It will improve the way your salespeople sell for the rest of their working lives. 


Proven Effective for More than 50 Years

Especially Useful for High-Tech Salespeople

Your Revenues Will Soar

21st Century Selling Skills Learn how to maximize time and effort with accounts in your territory that have the greatest sales potential for your products